The Importance of Processing Stakeholder Emotions in Transition

The transition of a residential care service involves significant change at all levels of an organization and affects many different stakeholders, including the children, their families, the staff, and the board and management of the organization. As with any significant change, transition can result in a range of emotional reactions amongst those most impacted, such as fear, uncertainty, and worry. Unless these emotions are acknowledged and addressed, it is common for stakeholders to resist change, regardless of its overall merits.
In this video, Anne Kinuthia, shares how social work practitioners from Kivuli, a residential care service provider in Kenya, used a simple, fun, and non-threatening activity called My Say to help children, families and staff, surface and process their emotions during the organization’s transition. In addition, Anne explains how the activity created an easy and meaningful way for children to participate in the reintegration planning, and to ensure their concerns and needs were factored into reintegration plans from the outset.


Better Care Network

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