The Impact of Community Caregivers in Côte d’Ivoire: Improving Health and Social Outcomes through Community Caregivers

This study sought to understand how community caregivers impact access to health care and social services for these children and families. The study found that households that received community caregiver support received better care and had better clinical and social outcomes than those not being supported by a community caregiver. Programs should consider using community caregivers to support adherence to treatment, improve psychosocial wellbeing of caregivers and children, and increase overall access to needed services.
Methodology: The study compared the services provided by Save the Children’s program to other programs that do not use community caregivers in their model of service delivery. The study investigated a range of activities carried out by caregivers and evaluated the impact of their efforts on clinical and social outcomes; it also investigated the support for and barriers that community caregivers must overcome to provide support to this vulnerable population.


Andrew M. Muriuki, Samuel Y. Andoh, Hannah Newth, Kendra Blackett-Dibinga, Djedje Biti

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