Study on the evolution of the Children and Armed Conflict mandate 1996-2021

This study takes stock of the challenges and achievements of the Children and Armed Conflict (CAAC) mandate based on 25 years of existence and suggests a renewed way forward to invigorate the protection of children affected by armed conflict based on prevention, collaboration, reintegration, and a strengthened monitoring mechanism.It is the first comprehensive study to analyse in a holistic manner the challenges, opportunities, and successes in delivering the United Nations CAAC mandate since its creation in 1996. The study examines the current situation of my mandate and opens the window to a strengthened way forward by highlighting some collective recommendations to inspire the next 25 years, to ensure a better protection of children in situations of armed conflict worldwide. Since children are at the heart of the mandate, their voices and messages are also central to this study and have been included through focus group discussions and consultations facilitated by the Dallaire Institute, Defence for Children International, and the International Rescue Committee.


United Nations

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