Responding to Children's Care in the Context of the Ukraine Crisis: Key Recommendations and Considerations

The aim of this guidance document is to provide a framework to support child protection practitioners and policymakers working both inside Ukraine and in host countries to implement responses related to children’s care in the context of Ukraine in line with international standards and good practice on children’s care and the provision of alternative care.

This is neither a communications document nor a detailed toolkit, but rather a starting point of key recommendations to inform strategic priorities, programme design, and priority interventions and advocacy efforts with policymakers, donors and other key stakeholders.

Each section of this guide is divided into key considerations and recommendations related to the various situations children are in, including children: without parental or family care, at risk of separation, in alternative care or who have recently left alternative care, including those who have been evacuated from residential care facilities either inside Ukraine or to host countries. Each section considers children in both refugee and internally displaced contexts, as well as children with existing intersecting vulnerabilities, such as children with disabilities and children from ethnic minorities, including Roma or third country national. As a framework document, the recommendations can be used to draw out the most appropriate aspects and adapted for relevant audiences. They have been presented together to ensure a comprehensive approach for both programming and advocacy related to children’s care.


Ukraine Children’s Care Group

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