Reflecting on racial equity and prevention-focused systems discussion guide

Changing child welfare practice and culture to advance racial equity begins by talking openly. Listening to diverse experiences and ideas and using appreciative inquiry can help teams generate solutions for removing barriers to equity for families, children, and communities.
This discussion guide, from the U.S. Child Welfare Capacity Building Initative, can be used to prepare for and facilitate team discussions about the connections between racial equity and prevention-focused systems. First, view the video and reflect individually on the questions and then have a team discussion. Use the resources in the guide to plan for moving toward meaningful and equitable changes in practice.
Take steps to prepare for conversations about racial equity:
Learn more about racial equity terms, definitions, and concepts. Use the Center’s Diversity, Racial Equity, and Inclusion in Child Welfare: Terms and Definitions as a starting point and a tool to use with your team to align language.
Focus on the impact of your words and the intent of others’ words.
Be willing to sit with discomfort. 
Understand that resolution is not always possible.
Check out the guide for more tips, suggestions, reflection questions, and resources to take action.


U.S. Child Welfare Capacity Building Initative

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