Preventing and tackling child sexual exploitation and abuse: A Model National Response Maturity Model

The Model National Response framework was first published in 2015 as a non-prescriptive and dynamic tool that sets out the capabilities needed to ensure an effective and coordinated national response to prevent and respond to child sexual exploitation and abuse online. During 2021, UNICEF and WeProtect Global Alliance undertook a review of how the Model National Response has been implemented across 42 countries (representing all regions and income groupings) to highlight lessons learnt, best practice and inform future iterations of the model. Based on the evidence collected, WeProtect Global Alliance released an updated framework in 2022 making it more responsive to today’s challenges and opportunities. In partnership with UNICEF, the Alliance has now developed a Maturity Model that will facilitate tailored national responses and foster a climate of continuous improvement. To accompany this Maturity Model, a self-assessment tool has been developed and refined in consultation with a diverse cross-section of Alliance member governments. This practical tool aims to support governments to self-assess their progress against the Maturity Model.
The Maturity Model proposes four broad phases for each capability from ‘building’ to ‘maturity’. Successful national responses are acquired through a blend of capabilities, continuous refinement and improvement and not by ‘achievement’ of each capability in isolation. It is important to recognise that the capabilities within the Model National Response are interdependent and should be approached holistically, taking a systems-based approach. Different circumstances and contexts mean that countries do not always move through the phases in a linear or predictable fashion.


UNICEF, WeProtect Global Alliance

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