Issues and Challenges With COVID-19: Interventions Through Social Work Practice and Perspectives

Social workers are working at all levels – macro, mezzo, and micro – and adjusting their practices by temporarily discontinuing face-to-face services and moving to remote contact with clients, while maintaining the essential human relationships between providers and clients. This article highlights how they are continuing to provide mental health/psychosocial support, medical social work, community sensitization, relief and advocacy, and the challenges they face. The article concludes by stating that social workers will play a key role in overcoming the longer lasting impacts of the pandemic. As a profession comprising millions of highly skilled professionals, the united voice of social work must support and facilitate a vision beyond this crisis – a vision of better, more respectful, and sustainable societies, a vision where our social systems can actively work to eradicate the conditions that have led to the severe consequences of this disease.


Sanjoy Roy, Navdeep Kaur

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