Inspiring Children’s Futures:Children’s Participation: Adults’ Perceptions of Child Participation and Young People’s Views on Responses during COVID-19

This Learning Report is part of a series of thematic reports documenting the COVID 4P Log survey findings from service providers and policymakers from 22 countries and five continents. The project presented in this report drew upon key findings from the COVID 4P Log project pertaining to children’s 1 participation to engage young people in discussions about the meaning and implications of those findings.
The COVID 4P Log questions and these findings have been analysed and co-authored by a collaborative, intergenerational partnership of adults and young people.
COVID-19 has abruptly thrust the rights and wellbeing of children and families into greater risk around the world. The impact of COVID-19 on children continues to be vast. Risks posed to children’s survival and development, to their special protections, education, health and access to food, for example, are being greatly affected by COVID-19 and by government responses to them. With about a third of the global population estimated to be under age 18, children account for a large proportion of our population. To effectively mitigate the impact of COVID-19 in the light of protecting children’s wellbeing, and ultimately for our collective societal future, policy and practice responses must be distinctively designed to address children’s wellbeing needs. Policymakers, and those working with children, are at the heart of pandemic responses as they continue to support children’s wellbeing, rise to many new challenges, and respond in new and innovative ways. To address the impact of COVID-19 on children in the long term, the COVID 4P Log Project sought to better understand the changing demands of policies and practices across different cultures and contexts, in 22 countries and five continents. To do so effectively, we established a broad partnership of 17 international key partners, whose roles span intergovernmental policymaking, child rights advocacy, workforce capacity-building, service delivery, and monitoring roles at UN level. With their active involvement, we designed a novel fast-capture smartphone app called the COVID 4P Log for Children’s Wellbeing, which was launched in the last quarter of 2020. The App captured over 3300 responses from 247 service providers and policymakers from 22 countries – including Kenya, the Philippines, South Africa, Scotland, India, the USA, Canada, and Sweden


Inspiring Children’s Futures Project

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