Implementation of a Mental Health Care Package for Children in Areas of Armed Conflict: Case Study from Burundi, Indonesia, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Sudan

Systematic reviews of child focused psychosocial and mental health interventions have identified the large gaps that can exist in this field between research and practice, particularly the limited evidence base for some interventions offered in settings affected by conflict and violence. The package of care described in this case study sought to address some of these issues by using a methodology incorporating a synergistic relationship between research and practice – one that would allow ‘fine tuning’ of both processes. The authors outline how research findings from the field were used to improve ongoing practice, while field practice experiences reciprocally informed allied research. In this way, the projects’ generic research/practice framework could be amended to take account of local views – for instance those relating to child resilience and well-being.


Jordans, M.J.D., Tol, W.A., Susanty, D., Ntamatumba, P., Luitel, N.P. et al

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