Human Resource Assessment and Gap Analysis of the Zambian Social Welfare Workforce

Save the Children Federation Inc was recently awarded a five-year Zambia Orphans and Vulnerable Children System Strengthening (ZOVSS) Project funded by USAID through PEPFAR. This project will help to develop a comprehensive HR assessment and capacity development roadmap across ministries and through the provision of specialized technical assistance to strengthen this cadre to better support children and families.This assessment or situational analysis and subsequent cataloguing will support the GRZ to further understand the current composition of Zambia’s SWW system as well as gaps in the key ministries where the social work function is critical and will support the GRZ to systematically plan and deploy social work cadres within line ministries at national and subnational levels as part of a larger strategy to develop Zambia’s SWW.  This document outlines the process and tools to be used to complete the HR assessment.


Save the Children and TRG

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