Financing Family Strengthening and Child Protection Services in the Context of Moldova – EU Association Agenda: 2023 Financing for Better Care Conference Report

This first International Conference on Financing of Family Strengthening and Child Protection Services in the Context of Moldova’s European Union Association Agenda held in Chisinau from 20-21 June 2023 has been a focused discussion between central and local government, non-governmental, private and academic sectors, international experts and organizations, on ensuring adequate public financing for strengthening families and protecting children, and meeting the challenges associated.
The conference engaged over 200 international and local participants responsible for and/ or supporting child protection and care reforms in Moldova, as well as other countries. Participants and organizers of the conference have acknowledged the indisputable evidence that institutional care has negative consequences for both individual children, families, and for society at large, and that international conventions, to which Moldova is party, national policy, and European Union recommendations, foresee the importance of family strengthening and family care with residential care only as a last resort option. In considering financing for better care of children, conference speakers presented Investing in Family Care for Moldova’s Future report, which suggests the minimum package of services for family and child protection represents a cost per child 14.3 times less expensive than residential care and 19.7 times less expensive than the cost of providing services for children with disabilities within residential care; and that the cost-effectiveness of the package indicates a sound investment with high returns, savings to both individuals and government, and increased lifetime earnings, access to adequate services, increased life expectancy, improved health, and reduction in poverty.
The conference was organized with technical assistance and funding from USAID, MacArthur Foundation, and GHR Foundation via Changing the Way We Care, UNICEF, and the World Bank.


Changing the Way We Care

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