DCOF-UNICEF Assessment of Strengthening Systems to Protect Vulnerable Children and Families in Cambodia

This report provides an assessment of a three-year project, Strengthening Systems to Protect Vulnerable Children and Families in Cambodia, which ran from 2009 – 2012. The project addressed three objectives: 1) Strengthening the national legal and policy framework, including through the development of strategies and operational guidelines to enhance oversight and delivery of appropriate family support services, referrals and placement procedures for vulnerable children; 2) Building capacity of stakeholders, to strengthen social work practice, and improve understanding and implementation of the laws, regulations, and procedures for family and child welfare, particularly around family preservation and alternative care and 3) Enhancing social welfare services for vulnerable children and families through developing models of good practice that demonstrate effective cooperation between provincial and district social affairs workers, commune councils, and pagodas in order to promote family preservation and diversify alternative care options for children. This report discusses a number of topics, such as formal child protection systems and residential care. It briefly discusses social work training.


Displaced Children and Orphans Fund/USAID and UNICEF

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