Children’s Consent Framework: Policy and Practice for Maturity-Aligned Engagement of Children in Decisions about HIV-Related Medical and Social Services and Management of Confidential Information

The purpose of this framework is to provide clear and consistent policy and practice to support the engagement of children and their proxies in making informed decisions about HIV-related prevention, testing, care, social support, and treatment, as well as management of confidential HIV data. Clinical and social service providers recognize that, in many settings, children—especially those who are vulnerable and marginalized—are at high risk for HIV and poor treatment outcomes. However, as explained in World Health Organization guidance (WHO, 2013b), the design and implementation of many policies and guidelines for HIV prevention, testing, treatment, and care, as well as management of confidential HIV data, do not adequately address the needs of children. The Global Social Service Workforce Alliance provided input into this document.


Health Policy Plus

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