Case Management: A Scalable Model for Reintegration of Children without Parental Care in Kenya

Effective and sustainable reintegration requires a solid conceptual framework and an appropriate and standardized case management approach. Kenya was lacking a comprehensive, participatory, and standardized package that included guidance, standard operating procedures, tools and training on what and how to conduct case management to ensure the wellbeing and eventual family placement of children without parental care. This gap often resulted in programming practice of varying quality and inadequate resources committed to reintegration of children into families.
To ensure a significant improvement in service delivery to children and their families, and specifically to the successful reintegration of children from residential care into families and communities, a case management approach, standard operating procedures (SOPs) and tools were required to support state and non-state service providers to standardize the way they promoted family care. This short insight document describes how the case management package was developed and rolled out.


Changing the Way We Care

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