Briefing Paper on the Definition of the Social Service Workforce

This briefing paper, developed by the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance, provides a formal definition of the social service workforce as well as additional information on the roles, titles, and diversity of the workforce.
The Alliance’s formal definition fo the workforce is: The social service workforce is an inclusive concept referring to a broad range of governmental and nongovernmental professionals and paraprofessionals who work with children, youth, adults, older persons, families and communities to ensure healthy development and well-being. The social service workforce focuses on preventative, responsive and promotive services that are informed by the humanities and social sciences, Indigenous knowledges, discipline-specific and interdisciplinary knowledge and skills, and ethical principles. Social service workers engage people, structures and organizations to: facilitate access to needed services, alleviate poverty, challenge and reduce discrimination, promote social justice and human rights, and prevent and respond to violence, abuse, exploitation, neglect and family separation.


Global Social Service Workforce Alliance

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