A Foot in the Door: A report on the Child Community Care Study evaluating the effect of CBO support on child wellbeing in HIV-affected communities

A 2009 literature review identified the need for more efficient evaluative research into the effects of interventions on children affected by HIV and AIDS. A follow-up review was conducted in 2016 to review literature that has since been published. Seventeen new interventions were identified that adequately examine the psychosocial well-being of children affected by HIV and AIDS, and 15 showed benefits of an intervention program. Thus, research is starting to emerge that highlights the benefits of intervention involvement. The report involves a review of the impact of the workforce, differentiating between paid staff and a team of volunteers.


Prof Lorraine Sherr, Dr Ana Macedo, Kathryn Roberts, Camilla Braine, Natasha Croome, Imca Hensels, Prof Mark Tomlinson, Sarah Skeen, Zena Jacobs

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