A Case Study Highlighting the Results of Integrated Child Protection and Care Treatment Programming in Namutumba, Uganda

This case study describes the process, methods and results of the approach promoted by World Education’s Bantwana Initiative (“Bantwana”) under two USAID/PEPFAR funded consortium projects in Uganda: SUNRISE-OVC, a systems strengthening project primed by The International AIDS Alliance partnering with the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development (MGLSD), and STAR- EC, an HIV care and treatment project primed by John Snow International partnering with the Ministry of Health (MoH). The case study focuses on a) the steps Bantwana took to integrate these two projects, b) the development of a Ugandan case management system through collaborative engagement with both projects, and c) the initial results of integrating the projects, measurable changes in outreach to vulnerable children and pediatric enrollment in care and treatment, and d) the potential for this approach to impact child outcomes.


Suzanne Andrews, Kelley Bunkers, Eaton Babu Ndyabahika, Susan Kajura, Neckvilleus Kamwesigye, Specioza Namakula

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