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Social protection

Results of a Survey Among Short-term Foster Carers

This report aims toprovide politicians, lawmakers, the media and the wider public with important knowledge about the use of short-term foster care for some of the Czech Republic’s most vulnerable children. With the adoption into law on 1 January 2013 of an amendment on social and legal protection...

From the Evidence of Violence Against Children to a Prevention-Oriented Response in Malawi

Globally, violence has long been considered a serious and persistent social problem that is often presented as a public health concern. In the past decade, violence has received greater attention in terms of social interventions, especially using a public health model of social programming. A...

Child-Sensitive Social Protection in Fiji: Assessment of the Care and Protection Allowance

The Department of Social Welfare administers several social transfer schemes for low-income and vulnerable individuals and families, including the Care and Protection Allowance for children. This report examines levels of child poverty and vulnerability in the country, and reviews key policy and...

Understanding Victim Resistance: Experiences of Service Providers Working with Victims of Child Trafficking

Service providers experience victim resistance as a significant barrier to the successful provision of services. Complex trauma from abuse in both trafficking situations and family of origin, plays a significant role in victim resistance. These results discuss the need for continue dialogue and...

Protocol for a Systematic Review: Child Protection Training for Professionals to Improve Reporting Child Abuse & Neglect

This review focuses on child protection training that takes place during continuing professional education in order to improve reporting of child abuse and neglect.

Child Protection in Emergencies Capacity Building Mapping & Market Analysis

This report reviews the current capacity and gaps, training and demand for child protection services in times of emergencies as well as makes recommendations for bettering preparing the workforce who provides these services.

Evaluating the Target Effectiveness of Social Transfers: A Literature Review

This report is a review of the literature on social transfer programs, including their cost effectiveness of administering through community-based approaches involving the social service workforce and others working in child protection.

Situation Analysis of Vulnerable Children in Uganda

This report reviews Uganda's progress toward its national response for OVC and makes recommendations for actions to increase progress.

Researching the Linkages Between Social Protection and Children's Care in Ghana

This report aims to gain an understanding of the interactions between social protection programs and quality of care, including the role social service workers play in linking children to social services following the loss of parental care, family separation, reunification and care choices (...

Survey Tools for OVC Programs

New indicators and tools developed by MEASURE Evaluation enable program designers and administrators to standardize data collection through answering questions fundamental to the planning and evaluation of OVC programs worldwide. Materials have been packaged into a toolkit. Materials are also...
