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Juvenile justice

Service Providers as Champions for Non-Violent Childhoods

This guidance report reviews the experience of and lessons learned from service provision in social welfare, child protection and childcare, health care, education and law enforcement. It presents methods, tools and service models that have proven effective in preventing and responding to corporal...

A Call to Action: Reimagining Social Work Practice with Unaccompanied Minors

This article is a call to action for social workers who may now encounter unaccompanied minors (UAM) for the first time in their practice. Recommendations include providing education to parents and caregivers about UAM’s rights, U.S. laws and regulations, and service availability; building trust...

Building an Effective Child Protection System in India: Integrating a Rights-Based Perspective in Social Work Education Within a Strategy of Developing Professional Association

The urgent need to strengthen the child protection system in India is presented in the context of the Integrated Child Protection Scheme and relevant juvenile justice legislation. Although the whole system is discussed, from national to local levels, the emphasis is on systems development with a...

The Role of the Social Worker in Adoption - Ethics and Human Rights: An enquiry

Social workers’ decision making is at the heart of adoption and needs to be subject to ethical scrutiny from within the profession and from without. This Enquiry explores the ethical and human rights dimensions of social work practice when making life changing decisions about children and their...

The State of International Children's Rights

The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the state of international children’s rights, to inform the discussions of a small group of specialists in August 2017, and to make a contribution to ongoing global discussions about child protection and children’s rights.

State of the Social Service Workforce Report 2017: Stories of Workforce Efforts to Address Violence Against Children

In this third annual report, the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance highlights the many ways that the social service workforce positively impacts the lives of children and families affected by violence.

Child Protection Case Management Training Manual

This five-day child protection case management training manual was developed to meet the needs of community child protection workers and other social workers working in tandem with the justice, health and law enforcement systems in Malawi.

Child Rights in the Global Compacts

This tool was developed for organizations and individuals to engage with governments to ensure child rights. It outlines how key child rights commitments can be transformed into actions. Also available in French:

Implementing Trauma Informed Care: Recommendations on the Process

Authors argue that greater assessment and planning can help address some of the barriers and challenges encountered to trauma-informed care. They highlight the importance of a multi-sectoral approach across education, housing, healthcare as well as among providers of mental health, juvenile justice...

Analyse Situationnelle des Droits de l'Enfant à la Protection dans la Province du Yatenga, Burkina Faso

Ce document est d’abord de servir d’outil de travail pour tous les acteurs de la Protection. Après un aperçu général de la situation sociale, politique et économique actuelle, ils présentiest les différents textes législatifs se référant à la situation des Droits de l’Enfant. Il faudra prioriser...
