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Technical Brief: Investment Case for the HIV Workforce in Uganda

This brief outlines the critical importance to understand government capacity and willingness to increase and maximize the efficiency of investments in HRH for HIV.

Supporting the Early Childhood Workforce at Scale: Community health workers and the expansion of first 1000 days services in South Africa

Well-supported para-professionals, including CHWs and other home visitors, can be effective partners in addressing health inequities, but training, skills and functions should be clarified and training aligned.

Minimum Standards on Comprehensive Services for Children and Young People in the East African Community

The Minimum Standards (MSCS) have been developed to guide the implementation of the EAC Child Policy (2016). The role of the MSCS is to ensure a coordinated approach to service delivery, in particular at the community level, for all children and young people to strengthen their resilience and...

Children’s Consent Framework: Policy and Practice for Maturity-Aligned Engagement of Children in Decisions about HIV-Related Medical and Social Services and Management of Confidential Information

This framework aims to provide clear and consistent policy and practice to support the engagement of children in making informed decisions about HIV-related prevention, testing, care, social support and treatment.

Optimizing Health Worker Performance and Productivity to Achieve 95-95-95 Targets

This toolkit includes resources that can be used by all cadres of the health and social service workforces and service delivery professionals. It includes a case study and tools for understanding and addressing causes of workforce problems and tips for supportive supervision.

Framework for Strengthening Integration of Mental Health in Programs for Children Orphaned or Made Vulnerable by HIV

This paper highlights key drivers for improving integration of mental health, including a qualified workforce delivering quality services.

Challenges of Developing a District Child Welfare Plan in South Africa: Lessons from a community-engaged HIV/AIDS research project

The Amajuba Child Health and Wellbeing Research Project measured the impact of orphaning due to HIV/AIDS on South African households between 2004 and 2007. Research highlights importance of promoting integration of government social welfare services for families and children affected by HIV/AIDS.

OVC Indicator Matrix: Measuring the Pathway to Better Outcomes for Children Affected by HIV

This overarching framework outlines the pathway toward better outcomes for children affected by HIV. The logic model, designed by MEASURE Evaluation, complements and incorporates a series of benchmarks for assessing achievement of household case plans and determining the readiness of orphans and...

PEPFAR Orphans and Vulnerable Children Monitoring, Evaluating, and Reporting Essential Survey Indicators: Protocol template

This protocol template for organizations collecting the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting (MER) Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) Essential Survey Indicators (ESI) of the United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) includes sections on background, study design, human...

HIV and Caregiver Common Mental Disorder: Synergistic Impacts on Child Development and Entry Points for Interventions

This reviews published literature on the mental health status of mothers living with HIV (MLH) and how this affects their children. It offers several recommends for integrating mental health services into delivery of other health and HIV services, including home visiting programs, collaboration...
