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Responding to the Shadow Pandemic: Taking stock of gender-based violence risks and responses during COVID-19

This child protection brief details the growing magnitude of child protection and gender-based violence issues resulting from COVID-19. It highlights the essential role of the social service workforce in promotive, preventative and responsive services, and calls on governments to ensure their...

Protecting Children from Violence in the Time of COVID-19: Disruptions in prevention and response services

Social service professionals must also be acknowledged as a critical part of the COVID-19 response for children.

Ethical Challenges Faced by Social Workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Research findings highlight strong commonalities on the challenges that social workers are facing as essential workers in the fight against COVID-19.

Global Status Report on Preventing Violence Against Children 2020

The Global status report on preventing violence against children 2020 charts countries’ progress towards the SDGs aimed at ending violence against children.

Keeping Children Safe in Uganda COVID-19 Response

This briefing paper by the "Joining Forces" coalition of ChildFund, Plan International, Save the Children, SOS Children's Villages, Terre des Hommes and World Vision details the increasing impacts of violence, GBV and MHPSS on children and issues messages to governments and donors on actions they...

Child and Adolescent Survivors of Sexual Violence and COVID-19 Key Considerations and Practical Guidance

This document provides key considerations and practical guidance for case management actors and coordination groups supporting child and adolescent survivors of sexual violence (child and adolescent survivors) in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. It builds on existing guidance developed by the...

Social Welfare Workforce: Strengthening for OVC

This document focuses upon the situation of orphaned and vulnerable children (OVC) in Tanzania and describes the current status of Social Welfare Workforce Strengthening for OVC in the country. The report provides an overview of: 1) Tanzania’s social welfare system and how it supports OVC, 2) the...

National Responses to Adjust Child Protection Systems (COVID 19)

The Child Protection team in the UNICEF Europe and Central Asia Regional Office (ECARO) designed a brief online survey to take stock of what national authorities are doing to adjust national child protection systems and services in the Wake of COVID 19. This report aims to synthesize the responses...

Case Management Considerations for Children in Residential Care during COVID-19 Pandemic

This guidance should be considered for children who currently live in a residential setting, including those who have been placed in residential care before and after the onset of COVID-19 pandemic. As part of this resource, there is also an excel spreadsheet for Virtual Monitoring Guidance.

Case Management Considerations for Children at Risk of Separation, including recently reunified children, during COVID-19 pandemic

This guidance should be considered for: 1) Children who live with their family or other family environment within a community setting, who may be vulnerable, or at-risk of separation. This could also include siblings of a child who lives in residential care.2) Children who have been recently...
