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Human Resources for Health (HRH): Principles and Practices

This course is intended to orient learners to the basic principles and promising practices related to health workforce development and strengthening.

Addressing Secondary Traumatic Stress Among Child Welfare Staff: Practice brief

This practice brief focuses on addressing secondary traumatic stress experienced by child welfare staff, easing children’s transitions into foster care and working with parents who have been impacted by trauma. This brief is intended for child welfare providers and other stakeholders seeking to...

Participatory Monitoring & Evaluation in Tanzania’s Health and Social Service Programmes: Field Manual

This manual serves as a toolkit of useful PM&E techniques for improving the performance and impact of community-based interventions, such as those involving the most vulnerable children, home-based care and gender-based violence. The manual includes a five-step PM&E programme path and six...

No Strangers to Adversity: Resilience-promoting practices among South African women child protection social workers

Despite the call to enhance the resilience of CPSWs, to date, only five research studies have explored resilience processes in CPSWs. In this article, authors present findings that describe resilience-enhancing practices in the lives of 15 South African CPSWs who were considered resilient.

Supporting the Early Childhood Workforce at Scale: Community health workers and the expansion of first 1000 days services in South Africa

Well-supported para-professionals, including CHWs and other home visitors, can be effective partners in addressing health inequities, but training, skills and functions should be clarified and training aligned.

Minimum Standards on Comprehensive Services for Children and Young People in the East African Community

The Minimum Standards (MSCS) have been developed to guide the implementation of the EAC Child Policy (2016). The role of the MSCS is to ensure a coordinated approach to service delivery, in particular at the community level, for all children and young people to strengthen their resilience and...

Children’s Consent Framework: Policy and Practice for Maturity-Aligned Engagement of Children in Decisions about HIV-Related Medical and Social Services and Management of Confidential Information

This framework aims to provide clear and consistent policy and practice to support the engagement of children in making informed decisions about HIV-related prevention, testing, care, social support and treatment.

Promoting Cultural Diversity and Cultural Competency: Self-Assessment Checklist for Personnel Providing Services and Supports to Children with Disabilities & Special Health Needs and their Families

This checklist is intended to heighten the awareness and sensitivity of personnel to the importance of cultural diversity and cultural competence in human service settings.

Exploring the Self-care Practices of Child Welfare Workers: A research brief

This study brief explores the self-care practices of child welfare workers in one southeastern US state. Results reveal that child welfare workers only engage in self-care at moderate levels.

Turnover Among Wraparound Care Coordinators: Perspectives on causes, impacts and remedies

There is no shortage of anecdotal evidence about the negative impacts that staff turnover can have on children, families, and other staff in agencies that provide Wraparound care coordination. The cost to replace staff is also high. This report highlights findings from a study toward determining...
