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Outils d'enquête sur le bien-être de l'enfant - Un manuel

Ces outils de collecte de données sont des questionnaires destinés à une enquête auprès de ménages avec des enfants âgés 0 à 17 ans et les adultes du ménage qui s'occupent des enfants. Les questionnaires sont conçues pour mesurer des changements dans le bien-être des enfants, des personnes qui s'...

From Faith to Action: A Resource for Faith-based Groups and Donors Seeking to Help Children and Families Affected by HIV/AIDS

From Faith to Action provides an introduction to family and community-based care for orphans and vulnerable children as an alternative to institutional care, highlighting key strategies that help children remain in families.

Case Management Tools for OVC Programs in Lesotho

This series of tools and resources developed over five years has proven effective in strengthening the OVC response in Lesotho.

Family Support and Alternative Care The Baltic Sea States Regional Report

In preparation for the Expert Meeting on Alternative Care and Family Support in the Baltic Sea Region - held in Tallinn, Estonia in May 2015 - the Children’s Unit in cooperation with the Expert Group for Cooperation on Children at Risk conducted a mapping of family support and alternative care...

Child Protection System Reform in the Hellenic Republic Call to Action

This paper presents a policy position which argues that, “as the Greek authorities map out the road to long-term recovery, several key steps to reform the child protection and care system should be taken as a matter of priority.” These reforms of the child protection and care systems are vital, say...

Transitional Support Programmes for the Child and Youth Care Sector

This booklet was developed by Mamelani Projects, a community development organization in South Africa. The booklet outlines Mamelani’s approach to Youth Development and providing transitional support to young people as they transition out of Child and Youth Care Centres (CYCCs). This booklet is...

Reflective Supervision: Patients' Experiences of Monitoring Their Adolescents' Compliance with Diversion Order

The importance of child protection as well as the designated social workers (DSWs) assigned to them, and the jeopardy they face, is well recognized. Although there is a call to enhance DSW resilience, little is known about their resilience, and there are no guidelines to equip South African DSW...

Public Child Welfare Staff Knowledge, Attitudes, and Referral Behaviors for an Evidence-based Parenting Program

Little is known about how the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of the public child welfare workforce influence implementation of evidence-based practice (EBP) as most research has focused on the private workforce. This paper reports on public child welfare staff knowledge, attitudes, and...

Child-Sensitive Social Protection in Fiji: Assessment of the Care and Protection Allowance

The Department of Social Welfare administers several social transfer schemes for low-income and vulnerable individuals and families, including the Care and Protection Allowance for children. This report examines levels of child poverty and vulnerability in the country, and reviews key policy and...

A Comprehensive Workforce Strategy to Advance Child Welfare Outcomes

This report is a compilation of input from leaders and universities in 28 U.S. states and counties. The group outlined pressing issues facing the child welfare workforce and strategies for developing the workforce to address these issues.
