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Investing in Children and Families to Avoid Unnecessary Separation (Français and Español)

S’Engager pour les Enfants et les Familles Afin d’é Viter la Séparation - Aujourd’hui, il est évident que les acteurs de la prise en charge des enfants et  des familles devraient s’engager d’avantage pour les enfants et les familles pour permettre leur développement harmonieux et leur participation...

Realising the Rights of Every Child Everywhere: Moving forward with the EU

This compendium demonstrates the commitment of different actors to strengthening EU action on children’s rights. It also aims to inspire action and an even more ambitious vision for the EU to play a leading role in realising the rights of every child everywhere.

Child Welfare Trauma Training Toolkit

This toolkit is designed to teach basic knowledge, skills, and values about working with children who are in the child welfare system and who have experienced traumatic events. The toolkit teaches strategies for using trauma-informed child welfare practice to enhance the safety, permanency, and...

Household Economic Strengthening in Support of Prevention of Family and Child Separation

This paper prepared by FHI 360 summarizes learning related to prevention of family-child separation, reintegration of children in family care, and economic interventions that might support these aims. It includes reference to the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance and Better Care Network...

Results of a Survey Among Short-term Foster Carers

This report aims toprovide politicians, lawmakers, the media and the wider public with important knowledge about the use of short-term foster care for some of the Czech Republic’s most vulnerable children. With the adoption into law on 1 January 2013 of an amendment on social and legal protection...

An Analysis of Child-Care Reform in Three African Countries: Summary & Country Care Profiles

These reports include a summary of the care-reform process of three sub-Saharan African countries - Ghana, Liberia and Rwanda. The review covers the key components of the reform including the legal and policy framework, programmes and service delivery, advocacy and networking. Country care profiles...

Manual del Docente

Este taller está diseñado para entrenar los expertos técnicos en los valores y principios básicos involucrados en la labor del trabajo de Protección de  Niñez y Adolescencia.

Manual del Estudiante

Este taller está diseñado para entrenar los expertos técnicos en los valores y principios básicos involucrados en la labor del trabajo de Protección de  Niñez y Adolescencia. Módulo Número 1.

USAID’s Vision for Health Systems Strengthening

Prevention and promotion have a high impact on sustained improvements in health systems performance. USAID focuses on an integrated, comprehensive and holistic approach to improve health systems to achieve an AIDS-free generation.

Birth to 5: Watch me thrive! A child welfare caseworker’s guide for developmental and behavioral screening

Because children and youth with developmental challenges are over-represented in the foster care system, it is especially important that child welfare workers are informed about and involved with the process of developmental and behavioral screening. If developmental concerns are caught early,...
