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Child protection

Staff Retention in Family Services Workbook 1 – The Role of Leaders in Staff Retention

The purpose of this training and series of workbooks is to increase child and family service agencies’ effectiveness in developing and retaining their staff by applying information from research and best retention practices to their work. The foundation for this material is the important mission of...

Implementation of the national strategy and action plan for the reform of the residential childcare system in Moldova 2007-2012: Evaluation report

This evaluation was commissioned by UNICEF and its government partners to evaluate the results and achievements of the implementation of the National Strategy and Action Plan. In July 2007 the Government of Moldova approved a National Strategy and Action Plan to reform its residential childcare...

Foster Care Services for Children in Moldova

This report investigates the findings of the 2012 Evaluation of Implementation of the National Strategy and Action Plan on the Reform of the Residential Childcare System for 2007-2012. In particular, the evaluation found that despite significant results in the number of children leaving residential...

National Survey of Institutions for Children in Rwanda

The purpose of the survey was to obtain an accurate picture of the current institutional system and the children living within it which can be used to inform decision-making regarding the implementation of the reform strategy and provide a baseline against which progress can be measured in the...

De-institutionalization Myth Buster

This publication gives an overview of the myths related to institutional care and deinstitutionalisation (DI) – the complex process of replacing a childcare system based on institutional care with a range of family-based alternatives for children and with services which prevent family breakdown.

Deinstitutionalisation and Quality Alternative Care – Lessons learned and the way forward

This paper aims to raise awareness on the perverse effects of institutionalization on children in the European context and calls for comprehensive system reforms, starting with a transition towards family and community-based care.

Common European Guidelines on the Transition from Institutional to Community-based Care

The Common European Guidelines on the Transition from Institutional to Community-based Care provide practical advice about how to make a sustained transition from institutional care to family-based and community-based alternatives for individuals currently living institutions and those living in...

Moving Forward: Implementing the Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children

This handbook has been created to take us even further along the road to embedding children’s rights in alternative care provision. It aims to support implementation of the Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children by making strong connections between national policy, direct practice and the...

EveryChild Moldova’s Programme Experience: Improving Children’s Lives through Deinstitutionalisation

This Program Review documents the evolution of the EvC Program since 1994, presenting the development of interventions to improve the lives of children through deinstitutionalization and identifying the best practices and lessons that may be relevant, useful and replicable to other initiatives and...

Deinstitutionalizing and Transforming Children's Services - A Guide to Good Practice

The purpose of this document is to assist policy makers, practitioners and other concerned individuals to transform systems of institutional care into those based on family and community support. The guidance in this manual is based on current best practices in deinstitutionalizing children from...
