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Child protection

Outils d'enquête sur le bien-être de l'enfant - Un manuel

Ces outils de collecte de données sont des questionnaires destinés à une enquête auprès de ménages avec des enfants âgés 0 à 17 ans et les adultes du ménage qui s'occupent des enfants. Les questionnaires sont conçues pour mesurer des changements dans le bien-être des enfants, des personnes qui s'...

Case Management Tools for OVC Programs in Lesotho

This series of tools and resources developed over five years has proven effective in strengthening the OVC response in Lesotho.

Family Support and Alternative Care The Baltic Sea States Regional Report

In preparation for the Expert Meeting on Alternative Care and Family Support in the Baltic Sea Region - held in Tallinn, Estonia in May 2015 - the Children’s Unit in cooperation with the Expert Group for Cooperation on Children at Risk conducted a mapping of family support and alternative care...

Child Protection System Reform in the Hellenic Republic Call to Action

This paper presents a policy position which argues that, “as the Greek authorities map out the road to long-term recovery, several key steps to reform the child protection and care system should be taken as a matter of priority.” These reforms of the child protection and care systems are vital, say...

Child-Sensitive Social Protection in Fiji: Assessment of the Care and Protection Allowance

The Department of Social Welfare administers several social transfer schemes for low-income and vulnerable individuals and families, including the Care and Protection Allowance for children. This report examines levels of child poverty and vulnerability in the country, and reviews key policy and...

Supporting Child Welfare Traineeship Students through an Online Peer Network

This paper reviews the creation and implementation of an online peer network for social work traineeship student pursuing or continuing careers in child welfare. The paper includes a literature review of best principles and practices for facilitating an online community.

Risky Business: Applying Ethical Standards to Social Media Use with Vulnerable Populations

Organizations and individuals working with vulnerable children need to consider the rights of vulnerable children when using photos, stories and other information in social media and digital content. This study is a review of ethical standards.

Protocol for a Systematic Review: Child Protection Training for Professionals to Improve Reporting Child Abuse & Neglect

This review focuses on child protection training that takes place during continuing professional education in order to improve reporting of child abuse and neglect.

Child Protection in Emergencies Capacity Building Mapping & Market Analysis

This report reviews the current capacity and gaps, training and demand for child protection services in times of emergencies as well as makes recommendations for bettering preparing the workforce who provides these services.

Evaluating the Target Effectiveness of Social Transfers: A Literature Review

This report is a review of the literature on social transfer programs, including their cost effectiveness of administering through community-based approaches involving the social service workforce and others working in child protection.
