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Child protection

Guidelines on Children's Reintegration

The Guidelines provide practical guidance for effective reintegration that can help organizations to design high quality programs; measure impact; train practitioners; and pursue national level systemic change in support of reintegration.

Children on the Move: From protection towards a quality sustainable solution, a practical guide

This guide for professionals working with vulnerable children on the move promotes the development of a well-connected, transnational network of child protection professionals, and proposes an eight-step procedure to deliver a holistic continuity of care.

From the Ground Up: Developing a national case management system for highly vulnerable children-an experience in Zimbabwe

The Bantwana community-based case management model was designed by the Children First program (2008-2012). The project grew into an important national partnership between the World Education Inc./Bantwana, government ministries, funders and local implementing partners and further developed into the...

Building a User-Friendly and Government-Owned Case Management System for Highly Vulnerable Children: The Yekokeb Berhan Program Experience in Ethiopia

The Yekokeb Berhan project has been operating in Ethiopia since 2011 to reduce vulnerability among children and families affected by HIV and AIDS by strengthening supportive systems and structures to deliver essential services and increase resiliency.  This case study describes the coordinated care...

Summary of Key Findings from the 4Children Case Management Case Studies

4Children has prepared a series of case studies documenting the core components of the case management process within orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) programming and national child protection systems, in three different countries. These case studies aim to provide examples of how case...

Time, Institutional Support, and Quality of Decision Making in Child Protection: A Cross-Country Analysis

This paper examines perceptions of time and institutional support for decision making and staff confidence in the ultimate decisions made within four countries. The study identifies a high degree of work pressure across all the countries, lines of predominantly vertical institutional support and...

Building a Holistic Child Protection System, Step by Step, in the United Republic of Tanzania

The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare and the Ministry of Community Development, Gender and Children, with UNICEF and other development partners, are building a system for holistic attention to protection issues including both prevention and response. This case study details the complexity of a...

Standard Operating Procedures for the Protection of Juveniles in Lebanon Operational Toolkit

This document is the first product form the Ministry of Affairs that aims to enhance the protection of children in Lebanon through the development of standard operating procedures for child protection case management. The SOPs are intended to unite judicial and non-judicial aspects in all stages of...

Zambia National Consultation Accelerating Children Care Reform Report

This report documents the discussion at a meeting held in May 2016 with diverse stakeholders throughout Zambia and highlights key issues that were identified to accelerate care reform in the country. Conclusions and recommendations were agreed around the three main focus areas: evidence building...

Getting to Zero: Global Social Work Responds to HIV

This resource is a massive compilation of stories on social work's response to HIV. It provides hope on successful and innovative approaches and shares lessons learned.
