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Child protection

Child Protection in Humanitarian Action Competency Framework

The revised Child Protection in Humanitarian Action Framework is now available. This new version is more closely aligned with the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPMS), and better reflects the competencies required to work effectively with other sectors. The format...

Ellos Ya No Pueden Esperar

Resumen Ejecutivo:  

They Cannot Wait Any Longer: The Historic Debt of the Nation of Paraguay

Presentation of Results - Cross-Government Review of the Child Protection and Care System 

Transforming Care: Individual Social Work in Post-Conflict Zone for Children and Youth

The significance of efficient social service provision has gained increased attention in war-affected regions following the Russia-Ukraine war conflict. The conventional method of establishing social services is currently facing criticism due to an increasing acknowledgment of the advantages...

Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association: Social Work in Libraries Special Issue

To raise awareness of the possibilities for Australian libraries to include some form of social work practice to assist them in meeting the complex needs of many of their visitors, the Charles Sturt University library social work team hosted a Social Work in Libraries Symposium in 2022. Following...

The MANDELA Model Workbook

The MANDELA model, developed by Dr. Prospera Tedam, seeks to provide a framework for practice educators who are enabling the learning of social work students in practice placement settings. The Model aims to drive change and promote new ways of thinking and working with infants, young children,...

Disability Inclusive Child Protection Competency Framework for the Social Service Workforce

The Disability Inclusive Child Protection Competency Framework for the Social Service Workforce (DICP Competency Framework) presents the competencies needed by the social service workforce (SSW) for child protection to deliver their functions in disability-inclusive and accessible ways.

Guidelines on Communicating with Children and Young People - Recommendations from Care Experienced Persons in Care

The purpose of these guidelines is to support practitioners to develop messaging for children and young people that clearly communicates the intention to transition and the implications for children and young people in care. The guidelines seek to address challenges so that children and young...

Insights from Moldova: Role of Targeted Economic Support in Reintegration of Children

In September 2022, Changing the Way We Care (CTWWC) launched an initiative to provide targeted economic support to assist the reintegration of children into families or placement into family based alternative care. Informed by previous experiences in reintegration and information captured in the...

Investing in Family Care for Moldova’s Future: The Case for Meeting Moldova's Human Capital Needs

The Investing in Family Care for Moldova’s Future presents the case for investing in a more child-centered social welfare system in Moldova and provides specific estimates on the resources needed including an estimate of the resources required to fund the spectrum of programs and services Moldova...
