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Child protection

Humanitarian - Development Nexus and Child Protection: Sharing responsibility for children’s protection – addressing risks and vulnerabilities through cohesive partnerships

This paper reviews some of the challenges we can expect to face in the near future from conflict, extreme weather events, poverty and population growth and suggests that humanitarian response alone will be unable to sufficiently meet those challenges. It looks at the history of the "nexus" concept...

What Works to Prevent Sexual Abuse Against Children

Response and support services including services by social service workers for counseling, foster care and child protection, are among the main success factors in preventing and addressing all forms of violence against children, including sexual abuse, as this review shows.

Strengthening Child Protection Systems: Guidance for Country Offices

Building child protection systems is a priority sub-theme in the Global Results Framework (GRF). This guidance has been produced by the Child Protection Systems Task Group and works to GRF indicators for this sub-theme. The guidance presents conceptual and practical guidance for strengthening...

Promoting and Protecting the Rights of Children: A formative evaluation of UNICEF’S child protection programme in Cambodia volume 1

This evaluation explores the effectiveness of UNICEF Cambodia's reintegration and prevention programming, including efforts to reintegrate children from institutional care and into family-based care.

Resources for Safe Spaces for Children in Humanitarian Settings

Safe Spaces for children, including Child Friendly Spaces (CFS), are interventions used by humanitarian agencies to increase children’s access to safe environments and promote their psychosocial well-being. Some Safe Spaces may focus on informal education or other needs related to children. However...

The Role of Rights-Based Social Work in Contemporary Latin American Diasporas: The case of Venezuelan migrant children

This article provides a children’s rights-based approach for social workers who are directly involved in social work with migrant children. Even though the scope of analysis was directed to the experience of Venezuelan migrant children, this research can serve as an important source to guide social...

The Role of Rights-Based Social Work in Contemporary Latin American Diasporas: The case of Venezuelan migrant children

This article provides a children’s rights-based approach for social workers who are directly involved in social work with migrant children. Even though the scope of analysis was directed to the experience of Venezuelan migrant children, this research can serve as an important source to guide social...

Guidelines on Assessing the Best Interests of the Child

One of UNHCR’s key priorities is to protect and promote the rights of all children falling under its mandate. In order to achieve this, UNHCR and its partners must support the strengthening or establishment of comprehensive child protection systems. A best interests determination (BID) describes...

Quick Guide to the New 2018 Guidelines on Assessing and Determining the Best Interests of the Child

UNHCR has updated its Guidelines on Assessing and Determining the Best Interests of the Child (Best Interests Procedure (BIP) Guidelines). The BIP Guidelines combine a conceptual framework of the best interests of the child with field-driven, operational guidance to provide one consolidated,...

Community-based Child Protection in Humanitarian Action: Definitions and terminology

This resource provides a list of common Community Based Child Protection (CBCP) related terms and their definitions and is intended to show the evolving definitions around CBCP.
