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Alternative care

Supporting young people from care to adulthood: International practice

This paper explores practice examples relating to young people's transitions from care to adulthood. It discusses examples drawn from young people's pathways to adulthood, leaving care law and policy and participation. The paper concludes with a discussion of the research evidence on promoting the...

Short- and longer-term impacts of Child Friendly Space Interventions in Rwamwanja Refugee Settlement, Uganda

The establishment of Child Friendly Spaces (CFSs) has become a widespread intervention targeting protection and support for displaced children in humanitarian contexts.

Learning from Significant Case Reviews

This report presents the findings from analyses of 25 significant case reviews that concerned 44 children and young people, carried out by child protection committees in Scotland between 1 April 2015 and 31 March 2018.  Twenty-two out of the 25 SCRs related to incidences of child abuse and/ or...

Promoting Complex Needs, Partnership and Parenting in Child Protection

Families living on the edge of child protection face a number of problems at the same time. Complexity of service needs requires a much more client-centric approach and assumes that service providers are able to adapt to the changed socio-economic environment. The study draws attention to the...

Peer Networking and Capacity Building for Child Protection Professionals – Lessons from “ChildHub”

Child protection systems across the global South suffer from common problems, one of the most critical among which is low number and skills of relevant professionals to deliver services. Additionally, child protection professionals are often demotivated, uncoordinated and isolated, with limited...

Why We Decided to Transition from Residential to Family-based Care

The Child Rescue Centre became the first orphanage in Sierra Leone to fully transition from residential to family-based care. The decision to transition was made for many reasons, but the most unique reason is found in the story of Child Rescue Centre Director, Mohamed Nabieu. Nabieu, brought to...

The Transition from Institutional Care to Adulthood and Independence: A Social Services Professional and Institutional Caregiver Perspective in Harare, Zimbabwe

In this study, interviews with institutional caregivers and social workers, complemented with site observations at selected institutions for children, details some of the challenges care institutions and children transitioning into adulthood and out of care face. The study concludes by making...

Building on Promising Practices to Protect Children in Migration Across the European Union

This paper highlights five practices from within the EU, all of which illustrate promising responses to protecting children in migration. The practices include reception and care arrangements, procedural safeguards to support and assist children and ways to improve the identification of durable...

Kinship Care: State of the Nation 2018

The Kinship Care: State of the Nation 2018 survey is the largest survey ever of kinship carers in the UK. As in previous years, it shows that many carers aren't getting the support they need to enable children to thrive, including 32% of carers who said they were worried about their mental and...

Bulletin for Professionals: Working With Kinship Caregivers

The growing need for kinship families and related support services has led many States to launch kinship awareness campaigns to recognize the tremendous contribution these caregivers make, the challenges they face, and the help they need. This bulletin highlights supports and services for kinship...
