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Alternative care

Checklist to Ensure EU-funded Measures Contribute to Independent Living by Developing and Ensuring Access to Family-based and Community-based Services

This document aims to ensure many more EU citizens benefit from EU funding for inclusion; and to prevent the misuse of EU funds. The purpose of this checklist is to ensure EU funds in the 2021-2027 programming period contribute to independent living and inclusion in the community. More specifically...

Rethinking Institutional Care Using Family-Based Alternative Child Care System for Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Nigeria

This paper is based on field work experience, review of relevant literature and studies on alternative child care system. The reviewers seek to rekindle not just an academic discourse in the field of social work but also a programme development innovation for social workers in the field of child...

Lessons Learned and Recommendations to Strengthen Families and End Institutionalisation for Children in Europe

To maximise the potential of the European Union and realise the vision where no child grows up in institutional care, civil society organisations across EU Member States, pre-accession countries and neighbourhood countries came together under a pan-European campaign: Opening Doors for Europe’s...

Evidence Base for Avoiding Family Separation in Child Welfare Practice- An analysis of current research

There is a large and growing body of research that demonstrates that early experiences of adversity can have harmful impacts on children’s physical, neurological, and psychological development, with effects that can persist into adulthood. This report will present an overview of the current social...

Global Status Report on Preventing Violence Against Children 2020

The Global status report on preventing violence against children 2020 charts countries’ progress towards the SDGs aimed at ending violence against children.

Expedited Case Management Process for Permanent Placement in Families after COVID-19 Lockdown

This document aims to support in determining feasibility of permanent placement and expedite family-based care in families in which children were placed quickly and without proper preparation during COVID-19 lockdown. The goal is for children to remain in their placement after the lockdown ends, if...

Keeping Children Safe in Uganda COVID-19 Response

This briefing paper by the "Joining Forces" coalition of ChildFund, Plan International, Save the Children, SOS Children's Villages, Terre des Hommes and World Vision details the increasing impacts of violence, GBV and MHPSS on children and issues messages to governments and donors on actions they...

National Responses to Adjust Child Protection Systems (COVID 19)

The Child Protection team in the UNICEF Europe and Central Asia Regional Office (ECARO) designed a brief online survey to take stock of what national authorities are doing to adjust national child protection systems and services in the Wake of COVID 19. This report aims to synthesize the responses...

Case Management Considerations for Children in Residential Care during COVID-19 Pandemic

This guidance should be considered for children who currently live in a residential setting, including those who have been placed in residential care before and after the onset of COVID-19 pandemic. As part of this resource, there is also an excel spreadsheet for Virtual Monitoring Guidance.

Case Management Considerations for Children at Risk of Separation, including recently reunified children, during COVID-19 pandemic

This guidance should be considered for: 1) Children who live with their family or other family environment within a community setting, who may be vulnerable, or at-risk of separation. This could also include siblings of a child who lives in residential care.2) Children who have been recently...
