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Advocacy and Outreach Interest Group

This group has completed its workplan.

Social service remains one of the most underfunded, misunderstood, and underappreciated fields of work. In order to strengthen the workforce and improve the lives of children and families, greater planning, development and support is needed to this frontline workforce. 

Description and Overview
Alliance members and professionals with experience in advocacy, communications, marketing and event planning held an initial planning call in January 2019 to discuss scope, activities, operation and specific deliverables for launching an interest group on advocacy and outreach aimed at increasing advocacy efforts for the social service workforce. Nearly 70 people joined the interest group and contributed in various ways. One activity the interest group led was working groups during the Alliance's Annual Symposium to develop concepts, phrases and ideas for key messages for communicating with various stakeholder groups. Sarah Neville, PhD student at Boston College and Sarah Johnson, Knowledge & Communications Specialist, Better Care Network, and Nicole Brown, Deputy Director, Global Social Service Workforce Alliance co-chaired the activities of this group.

The interest group concluded their work in November 2019 after several rounds of input, revision and testing of advocacy key messages. The group members would now like to invite others to begin using these messages and sharing feedback for further refinement and contextualization. Download the key messages for advocating the importance of the social service workforce to donors and policymakers, the general public and media, and other workforce members. 

Nicole Brown's picture

Flyer for Requesting Advocacy Tools and Materials

Download the flyer to share with your networks for requesting submissions of advocacy tools.

Nicole Brown's picture

Notes from March 7 2019 Call

These are the notes from the group call held on March 7, 2019

Nicole Brown's picture

Group Call Notes from January 29 2019

Read the notes from the initial planning call held on January 29, 2019.

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