
2016 Symposium

Date: June 2, 2016

Theme: Strengthening the Continuum of Care for Vulnerable Children and Families


The Global Social Service Workforce Alliance hosted its 3rd Annual Symposium on June 2, 2016 at the Birdsall House Conference Center in Washington, DC and via live webcast. Just over 300 participants from 25 countries joined in to discuss how social service workforce strengthening has led to a stronger continuum of care for vulnerable children and families. The event was made possible through funding from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to the 4Children project (led by CRS) through the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) program.  

Click here to access the full event report.


Opening Remarks: Gary Newton, Former U.S. Government Special Advisor for Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Opening Remarks: Cornelius Williams, Chief, Child Protection Section, UNICEF Headquarters

Panel 1:  Social service workforce strengthening in the context of preventing and addressing violence against children:  Micro, mezzo and macro perspectives

  • Lorraine Sherr, Clinical Psychologist and Head, Health Psychology Unit, Research Department, Infection and Population Health, University College London
  • Amelia Peltz, Senior Gender Advisor and Acting Team Lead, Office of HIV/AIDS, Bureau for Global Health, USAID
  • Sarah Stevenson, Acting Chief of Office, Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children


Panel 2:  Promoting an intra-disciplinary response to strengthen the continuum of care for children and families

  • Patrick Onyango Mangen, Country Director, TPO Uganda 
  • Zeni Thumbadoo, Deputy Director, National Association of Child Care Workers, South Africa 


Closing Remarks: Dr. Jim McCaffery, Chairperson, Global Social Service Workforce Alliance Steering Committe
