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Review of Legislation and Policies that Support the Social Service Workforce in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

This report from the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance offers a snapshot of social service workforce-supportive policies and legislation in selected countries and provides examples of aspects of legislation that feature the workforce.

Protecting Cambodian Children? The role of Commune Committees for Women and Children and informal community-based child protection mechanisms in Cambodia

Using largely qualitative methods, this review of Commune Committees for Women and Children in Cambodia shows an expanding range of services being provided to children with some success, but lack of resources and technical capacity negatively impacted their success.

Guidelines on Childrens Reintegration

These guidelines are based on the understanding that a child's reintegration requires much more than simply returning a child to their family of origin or placing them within their kinship network. Reintegration is a process that a formerly separated child and their family go through over an...

Who Cares for Children? A Descriptive Study of Care-Related Data Available Through Global Household Surveys and How These Could Be Better Mined to Inform Policies and Services to Strengthen Family Care

This paper argues that better use and mining of existing national household surveys has great potential to inform child protection policy and programming, resulting in increased awareness of this information among child protection practitioners.

National Child Protection Systems in the East Asia and Pacific Region: A review and analysis of mappings and assessments

A review of mappings and assessments of the child protection system in 14 countries. The principal purpose of the study was to consolidate existing information on the shared strengths, challenges and priorities for developing and strengthening child protection systems in the region that will better...

Estimating the Economic Burden of Violence against Children in East Asia and the Pacific

This research shows that violence against children also has an impact on health and human capital, and an economic cost. This is first ever costing of child maltreatment in the Asia-Pacific region.

Adoption of ICT in a Government Organization in a Developing Country: An empirical study

This study explores adoption of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to enhance government-to-employee interactions in a government organization in a developing country by utilizing the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). Finding show that impacts were positive,...

Better Care, Better Volunteering

With growing interest in volunteer-tourism around the world, there is an increasing trend of volunteering within residential care centres such as orphanages and children’s homes. There is a critical need to raise awareness of the risks of harm involved in these volunteering practices, through...

Expanding World Vision's Impact Through Community Health Workers

In 2015, a global census of community health workers (CHWs) was conducted by World Vision International to assist in developing CHW technical capacity statements, grant proposals, and fundraising and marketing resources, as well as to assist in internal monitoring and reporting on our global...

Monitoring HIV and AIDS Related Policy Reforms: A road map to strengthen policy monitoring and implementation in PEPFAR partner countries

Countries with high HIV burden often have low policy development, advocacy, and monitoring capacity. This manuscript describes the increased focus on policy development and implementation by the United States President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR).
