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Guidance for Alternative Care Provision during COVID-19

Practical guidance on the adaptations and considerations needed to support children in alternative care or entering alternative care during COVID-19.

Supervision for Staff of Family Care First/React Partner Organizations

The purpose of this research project is to learn the current landscape of supervision practices within the FCF | REACT network organizations in context of their capacity, supervisory needs, achievements and challenges.

M'Lop Tapang Staff Supervision Policy and Guidelines

M’Lop Tapang recognizes that supervision is an essential component of quality social work services for children and families. This document is intended to define supervision that is available and ensure it is available to all social service workers for professional development, training and quality...

ASEAN Regional Workshop on Social Service Workforce Strengthening

An overview of global standards, current status of social work, legislation and policies that exist, financial needs and a declaration for next steps.

Promoting and Protecting the Rights of Children: A formative evaluation of UNICEF’S child protection programme in Cambodia volume 1

This evaluation explores the effectiveness of UNICEF Cambodia's reintegration and prevention programming, including efforts to reintegrate children from institutional care and into family-based care.

State of the Social Service Workforce Report 2018: Trends and Recommendations for Strengthening the Social Service Workforce

This 4th annual report consolidates trends and data from 32 countries to make recommendations for better planning, development and support to this frontline workforce.

Identifying and Addressing Risk in the Implementation of Alternative Care Policies in Cambodia

This short human rights in action article take a critical approach to the translation of alternative care and child protection policies to practice and highlights risks involved with haste, outcomes measured in numbers and unrealistic timeframes, and rapidly transforming practice with nascent...

Identifying and Addressing Risk in the Implementation of Alternative Care Policies in Cambodia

Cambodia is moving forward with family-based alternative care initiatives that build on existing efforts to strengthen the child protection system.

Capacity Development Plan for Family Support, Foster Care and Adoption in 2018-2023 Cambodia

The study has identified key findings and 23 useful recommendations for short-term implementation (up to 2018), medium-term implementation (up to 2023), and long-term implementation (after 2023). Recommendations include increasing capacity of the social service workforce and increasing...

Residential Child and Youth Care in a Developing World - Middle East and Asia

Readers are offered glimpses of what child protection and child care looks like in this region.
