
Statement on Promoting Social Justice and Human Rights

The recent deaths of African Americans at the hands of police in the United States are not isolated incidents, rather the result of deep-rooted racism that has existed in many forms for far too long. We’re heartbroken, angry and frustrated, like so many are right now. In any circumstance like this, in any place around the globe, staying silent only allows these actions to continue. We must continue to challenge ourselves to not only recognize racism and violations of human rights in all forms, but respond, react and call out those actions. It will take all of us.  

As a network of social service workers across the globe, we recognize the importance of bringing together individuals and groups across sectors in dialogue and actions to address the root causes of racism. Social service workers are needed now more than ever to work alongside leaders who are committed to a peaceful path to justice. Social service workers engage people, structures and organizations to: facilitate access to needed services; alleviate poverty; challenge and reduce discrimination; promote social justice and human rights; and prevent and respond to violence, abuse, exploitation, neglect and family separation. 

We are committed to remaining true to the values that guide social service workers every day – to uphold and recognize human dignity, and protect and promote fundamental rights of people, particularly the most marginalized and excluded. Many of our members live in countries that have experienced overt and underlying systemic racism. We all have the opportunity to learn from one another and be better together. We have hope that this time will result in constructively moving dialogue and actions forward, together.