
Save the Date: Two-Part Webinar Series on Strengthening Social Service Systems through Cross-Sectoral Collaboration

Two-Part Webinar Series on Strengthening Social Service Systems through Cross-Sectoral Collaboration


Part One: Multi-disciplinary Teams in Communities and Local Health Facilities

Tuesday, October 15, 2013 8:30 AM EDT – 10:00 AM EDT

(please note that the recording of this webinar is now available here)

To care for vulnerable families, social service workers are often called on to address a variety of needs and rights, such as health care, economic strengthening, psychosocial support, education and advocacy within the judicial system. Providing such care for families usually requires social service workers to engage with workers from multiple disciplines, such as doctors, nurses, community health workers, local government officials, police, judges and teachers. In order to facilitate access to a broad and holistic range of services, the social service workforce plays a key role in the formation, training and coordination of multi-disciplinary teams. As representatives of their respective disciplines, members of the team can act as conduits to needed services, with the result that these teams are better prepared and positioned to provide a full spectrum of care for vulnerable families. During this webinar, we will hear accounts from two colleagues involved in facilitating multi-disciplinary teams in communities and at local health facilities.  They will discuss strategies and challenges of scaling up this team approach model and ways in which coordination can lead to better care and support for vulnerable families.


Lynette Mudekunye, Advisor, REPSSI

Lynette Mudekunye is an advisor on programme issues in REPSSI (the Regional Psychosocial Support Initiative), a regional organization working in 13 countries of East and Southern Africa to promote psychosocial wellbeing of vulnerable children and youth within their families and communities.  REPSSI has pioneered the provision of accredited training in psychosocial care, support and protection – including a certificate for community workers and a diploma for teachers, both of which are offered to groups of students through supported distance learning.  

Dr. Bernadette Madrid, Director, Child Protection Unit, Philippine General Hospital and Lecturer, University of the Philippines

Dr. Bernadette J. Madrid is the Executive Director of the Child Protection Network Foundation, Inc., an NGO that supports the training of Child Protection Professionals and the development of Child Protection Units in the Philippines. She is also the Head of the Child Protection Unit of the University of the Philippines Manila – Philippine General Hospital where she is concurrently Associate Clinical Professor in Pediatrics and Acting Head of the Ambulatory Section. She also serves as Professorial Lecturer II at the Philippine Judicial Academy and served on the Executive Council of the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect from 2004-2010. 




Part Two:  Multi-sectoral Coordination at the Policy and Planning Level

November 2013,  Date and Time TBA

This companion webinar will explore ways in which multi-sectoral collaboration has led to policy changes, a stronger social service system, and better service delivery for vulnerable families. Speakers will focus on experiences of planning across ministries and stakeholder groups to coordinate workforce deployment and service provision, ultimately improving the effectiveness of care and support to vulnerable populations.  Further details to follow.


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