
Moldova’s Voices of Care Reform

by Changing the Way We Care

Changing the Way We Care (CTWWC) Moldova works in partnership with leaders in the care reform sector to support the Moldova social service system to ensure it has the capacity, infrastructure and services at the local level to serve all children and families.

Recently, CTWWC released a video series titled Voices of Care Reform to detail the work of CTWWC’s partners engaged in family care initiatives—from supporting members of the social service workforce working with vulnerable families to working with governments, civil society and faith-based communities in Moldova to promote and support safe and nurturing family-based care for all children.

 Video 1: Changing the Way We Care: Refugee Work in Moldova 

Since Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022, hundreds of thousands of people have fled to Moldova. Often the first people refugees meet are social workers like Natalia who works with CTWWC partner, Partnership for Every Child, and is featured in the video below. When refugee families started entering Moldova, Natalia rushed to the front line to help. CTWWC Moldova trained social workers on psychological first aid (PFA) and safe responses in emergencies to support front-line members of the social service workforce and their vital work.

Video 2: On the Frontlines: Impact of Psychological First Aid in Ukraine Response in Moldova 

Changing the Way We Care’s reach extends far beyond training members of the social service workforce. The initiative also supports ways to provide family-based alternative care for children who cannot live with their immediate families, including the care of children by extended family members or foster families. In this video, Ala Nosatii, a pioneer in the foster care system in Moldova, relates the story of new foster care parents being introduced to three siblings that will be in their care. Ala works for CCF Moldova, one of Changing the Way We Care’s partners in the effort to transform the care system to ensure all children live in safe and nurturing family environments.

Video 3: Voices of Care Reform: “I’m going to call you Mom.” 

Changing the Way We Care also works with Moldovan partners that champion the acceptance and inclusion of people with disabilities, such as Keystone Moldova. In this video, Dr. Ludmila Malcoci, a tireless advocate for people with disabilities, recounts the changes she has witnessed over past 20 years in Moldova that will have a positive impact on an entire generation of young people with disabilities.

Video 4: Voices of Care Reform: Dr. Ludmila Malcoci

This Global Social Service Workforce week, we celebrate all members of the social service workforce. May their work be recognized for its critical importance and improvement of the lives of children and families.  

To learn more about CTWWC’s work in Moldova go to