Language: French

Professional Standards for Protection Work

Professional Standards for Protection Work (third edition) constitutes a set of minimum but essential standards aimed at ensuring that protection work carried out by human rights and humanitarian actors in armed conflict and other situations

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Child Rights in the Global Compacts

This tool was developed for organizations and individuals to engage with governments to ensure child rights. It outlines how key child rights commitments can be transformed into actions. Also available in French:

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Guidelines on Children’s Reintegration

The Guidelines provide practical guidance for effective reintegration that can help organizations to design high quality programs; measure impact; train practitioners; and pursue national level systemic change in support of reintegration. The Guidelines are available

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Guidelines on Children's Reintegration

The Guidelines provide practical guidance for effective reintegration that can help organizations to design high quality programs; measure impact; train practitioners; and pursue national level systemic change in support of reintegration. The Guidelines are available

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