
Implementing a Global Code of Ethics to Ensure Professional Standards

A Global Statement of Ethical Principles was developed to facilitate social workers’ aspirations towards the highest possible standards of ethical practice, through processes of constant debate, self-reflection, willingness to deal with ambiguities, and to engage in ethically acceptable processes of decision-making to achieve ethical outcomes. The Statement makes an explicit commitment to value the people with whom social workers engage and a shift toward recognizing and connecting work toward advancing human dignity and human rights. Download the Global Statement of Ethical Principles. In this webinar, held April 24, 2019, speakers shared details about the Statement and the nine guiding principles included within it and how it is being used to inform international field placements for social work students.

Click here to access the presentations.


  • Dr. Vishanthie Sewpaul, PhD, Emeritus Professor, University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa, and Professor II, University of Stavanger, Norway
  • Ms. Dawn Hobdy, LICSW, Director of the Office of Ethics and Professional Review at the National Association of Social Workers, United States (NASW)
  • Aina Lian Flem, Associate Professor of Social Work, affiliated to the Department of Social Work at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway
  • Dr. Jessica H. Jönsson, Research Fellow, School of Law, Psychology and Social Work, Örebro University, Sweden
