Children’s Services Reform Research: Learning and Implications for Scotland

This Children’s Services Reform Research study is a Scotland-based research study which was undertaken by CELCIS, the Centre for Excellence for Children’s Care and Protection.
CELCIS was asked by the Scottish Government in to carry out a research study to improve the understanding of current Children’s Services structures and delivery models in Scotland and how services can best support the needs of children, young people and their families. The research looked at how services are provided and configured in Scotland and drew on a range of international evidence too.
Taking a wide focus on what is needed to ensure children, young people and families get the support they need when they need it, the research team adopted a broad definition of ‘children’s services’ which includes health, education, and youth justice services provided by the public sector, third sector and private sector partners, and the workforces within these.
While this particular study did not specifically ask for children and young people to come forward to share their views and experiences of the support and services they need, the researchers took very careful account of the views that children and young people had already shared in relevant research and reviews into services for children, including the Independent Care Review. Similarly, the views of parents and carers were taken account of from what has been shared in relevant research and reviews into services for children.
The research started in September 2022 and was completed in December 2023. All the reports of the findings of the research have been published, and have been shared with Scottish Ministers.



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