Measuring and Monitoring Child Protection Systems – Proposed Regional Core Indicators for East Asia and the Pacific

In order to develop the evidence base and advocate for the strengthening of national child protection systems, governments and their partners require accurate, regular and up-to-date data and information on how such systems are functioning. This publication proposes a framework of core indicators for measuring and monitoring national child protection systems in the East Asia and Pacific region. The indicators, used either in concert or selectively, will support monitoring and assessment of the enabling environment or ‘governance’ of national child protection systems. The seven domains included are the child protection policy framework; public financial management; human resources; statistics and information; child protection systems coverage; surveillance, gate keeping, referral & quality assurance and public attitudes and values. While the focus is on the East Asia and Pacific region, the indicators are likely to be applicable in other settings and as such represent a contribution to global discussion on measuring the governance of national child protection systems.


UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office (EAPRO)

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