Protecting Children in Malawi: A report on the major findings of the mapping and assessment

This report is on the mapping and assessment of the child protection system that was undertaken by the Government of Malawi. UNICEF and the other United Nations agencies are committed to supporting the Government of Malawi in achieving its goals stated in the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy II (2012-16) of operationalizing the national child protection system to protect children from violence, abuse, exploitation and neglect. This report constitutes the foundations upon which the Malawi child protection system will be strengthened. It depicts the situation of child protection as of 2011 and the achievement already accomplished by the Government and its partners in preventing and responding to violence, abuse, exploitation and neglect against children. Starting from these linchpins, it presents the way forward for a further strengthening of the system for improved performance through an effective enforcement of the national legislation.


Manolo Cabran

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