Never Only One Zebra – A review of measurement frameworks in children's care

The purpose of this study was to review monitoring and evaluation frameworks, which have been developed for the field of Children’s Care and to analyze the potential for a common measurement framework. 

One of the rationales for this study stems from gaps in knowledge and evidence on key issues relating to Children’s Care system change. Specifically, whilst there seems to be broad agreement amongst key stakeholders and experts regarding what needs to be done to achieve care reform at country level (i.e. care reform towards child-focused efforts, prevention and integration), there is less consensus around contextual factors necessary to achieve change at systems level (or even what is meant by system change, and what constitutes a system). The report concludes wtih an analysis regarding feasibility and/or desirability of a common measurement framework for Children’s Care, as well as key messages and recommendations arising from the study that are presented possible ways forward.


Margaret Kernan, Mathijs Euwema and Sarah de Vos, International Child Development Initiatives

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