The Contribution Public Finance for Children can Make to Realizing Child Protection Objectives

UNICEF is preparing to draft a new Child Protection Strategy to replace the 2008 Child Protection Strategy (the 2008 Strategy). As part of this process, a number of background technical papers have been commissioned as input to the decision-making. This technical paper explores the contribution Public Finance for Children (PF4C) can make to realizing child protection objectives. Firstly, it identifies areas that should be prioritized when planning PF4C-type studies and activities to effectively support the achievement of sector-specific objectives. Secondly, it describes strategies that UNICEF should consider implementing to incorporate PF4C more effectively into its child protection work, specifically proposing a sequence in which the PF4C tools might be applied. Specific recommendations are included for UNICEF to consider taking forward into the Child Protection Strategy.


UNICEF Child Protection Programme Division

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