Tubarerere mu Muryango programme (‘Let’s raise children in families’): Inclusive Case Management for Children’s Reintegration – Participants' Handbook

This participant’s handbook relates to Module 3 of the Government of Rwanda’s Tubarerere Mu Muryango (TMM) training programme. It is for Child Protection and Welfare Officers who work directly with children and families on reintegration of children, including children with disabilities from residential institutions. It can also provide useful information to people working in other local government roles, for example District Disability Mainstreaming Officers and Gender and Family Promotion Officers, as well as people working in non-governmental organizations (NGOs) or community-based systems (for example, Inshuti z’Umuryango – Friends of the Family) who support children and families, and particularly those who have contact with children during the reintegration process. It can be helpful for all workers who have limited or no training specifically on inclusive practices. This guidance is part of the Tubarerere Mu Muryango (TMM) programme.





National Child Development Agency, Rwanda and UNICEF Rwanda

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