Towards psychosocial resilience and well-being: A framework to ensure a community-based and contextualised approach to Mental Health and Psychosocial Support intervention

Mental Health and Psychosocial (MHPSS) approaches and interventions have always been important for Terres des hommes and embedded in their programming. They have adopted a framework presented to respond better to the contexts in which they work. 
The framework is composed of five core elements (explored in detail in this guidance). The five core elements are the well-being pillars, resilience capacities, socio-ecological approach, the IASC intervention pyramid and a set of four principles ensuring a participative and inclusive way of working. It is the combination, consideration and realisation of all five core elements which ensures the adaptability of the framework across differing contexts. 
The framework identifies, through five different domains of well-being, the internal and external capacities and resources that need to be strengthened, as well as the perceived vulnerabilities and risks to be mitigated through the transversal processes of informed participation and empowerment. The purposes of doing this is to reduce suffering, improve overall psychosocial well-being and strengthen resilience.
The MHPSS Framework, and the documents included in this operational guidance, are designed to support Terres des hommes staff and partners at global, regional and field levels. The framework includes guidance for specific protection and MHPSS interventions, as well as for promoting wider well-being and resilience-based approaches within non-protection sectors such as WASH, education and Health.


Terres des hommes

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