National Roll-out of Isibindi Year Five and Close-out Report

The National Association of Child Care Workers (NACCW) developed the Isibindi “Circles of Care” model in 2001 as a response to the large number of orphans and vulnerable children and youth (OVCY) in South Africa. At the core of the model is the development of a skilled cadre of child and youth care workers (CYCWs) to provide a range of services to OVCY in their communities.
During 2011, NACCW and the National Department of Social Development (NDSD) collaborated in the development of an ambitious five-year plan to expand the Isibindi model from the 67 sites employing approximately 800 CYCWs then in place to 400 Isibindi sites employing 10 000 CYCWs. This was to be achieved through a partnership between the NDSD, the nine provincial Departments of Social Development (PDSDs), NACCW, local non-profit organisations (NPOs), and donors. The roll-out was attractive to NDSD because by 2011 Isibindi had already been established as a brand that delivered much-needed quality services at the same time as contributing to addressing unemployment and the scarcity of social service professionals. NDSD and the provincial Departments of Social Development (PDSD) also recognised that Isibindi could significantly bolster the available offerings in the area of prevention and early intervention, an area that is emphasised by the Children’s Act.
The roll-out proper commenced in April 2013 and ended on 31 March 2018. This report serves as both the annual report for the fifth year of the roll-out and the close-out report for the roll-out as a whole. The report is framed by the key elements of the theory of change for the roll-out, giving the report an outcomes-based logic. Accordingly, the main body of the report is structured around the four preconditions identified as necessary for achieving the two over-arching objectives of the roll-out, namely employment creation and delivery of quality services for vulnerable children. The preconditions relate to skills development, support and quality control, funding, and service providers.


National Association of Child Care Workers South Africa

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