Psychosocial support for children from teachers, psychologist and social workers at schools (in Albanian)

This online course is dedicated to teachers, psychologists and social workers at schools to provide psychosocial support for children affected by COVID-19. It was developed in the framework of the project “Emergency and recovery support for vulnerable children and families affected by the COVID-19 pandemic situation in Albania” funded by the European Union. 
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the whole world and continues to affect the life and educational processes in Albania as well. Along with the economic and social consequences that job loss and social and physical isolation have brought to Albanian families, in addition to loss of life, anxiety for the health, various reports have highlighted the direct impact that the pandemic has had and continues to have on the mental health of children or students.
This training was designed to help teachers, social workers, and school psychologists to harmonize knowledge, attitudes and activities in psycho-social intervention oriented towards the complete activation of the ‘mind-heart-body’ of the child, thus increasing the resilience (coping abilities) of the child during or after a pandemic.


Terre des hommes in Albania

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