Results Matrix for Social Service Workforce Strengthening

This results matrix, developing in collaboration with UNICEF, is meant to guide the measurement of progress toward strengthening the social service workforce. Applying this results framework and measuring progress against the specified indicators can help increase understanding of the impact of efforts to strengthen the social service workforce and of areas that need more attention. While this guide can be used by any organization interested in measuring progress toward workforce strengthening, it is ideally carried out as a process led and owned by a representative group of stakeholders including different government ministries, universities, civil society, non-governmental organizations, religious entities and professional associations across a given country, so that data is collected in an organized and harmonized way through partnership at the national level, with support from sub-national and community levels.

By utilizing the scorecard at the end of the document, national leadership groups for workforce strengthening can reflect on strengths and weaknesses, areas that need improvement and places where investments should be made. Results can be used to further develop or strengthen national plans to strengthen the social service workforce, as well as more clearly document successes. Gathering information against the same indicators across multiple countries will also enable regional and global level aggregation of the data and analysis of results and lessons learned. This will help to build the knowledge and evidence base for improved policy and practice.

This matrix is a companion piece to the Guidelines to Strengthen the Social Service Workforce for Child Protection prepared by UNICEF and the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance in 2019 to support work with national and regional partners to better plan, develop and support the social service workforce. It also aligns with the Mapping Toolkit for the Social Service Workforce, which is designed to gather data toward these indicators.


Global Social Service Workforce Alliance; UNICEF

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